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xNude is a tool that allows you to digitally change images, creating an illusion. You can see anyone in a completely different outfit within seconds by uploading an image and customizing it to your preferences. You can select age, body type, and more for your perfect image.
You can try xNude for free. Simply create an account, confirm your email, and enjoy the "Changer" and "Custom Face" features with free welcome tokens.
First upload your image. For the best results, use a high-quality image with a clear pose. Next customize by outlining the area you want to modify and click "Change". If you're not satisfied with the result, you can revisit your edits for the session by clicking on the image and trying again.
xNude offers a "Custom Face" feature where you can upload your own picture and apply various filters and actions to tweak the character's face or you can try the "Changer" feature.
The Premium version allows you to obtain a number of generations proportional to the amount of tokens you have. You can see how many generations you have on this page.